Live Your Love - The Alisha Das Show - Live Your Love, Heal, Learn, Transform with Alisha Das Show and Influencer Guests. Awaken more to your divine nature so you live a happier, richer, more love-filled life as Alisha connects you to transformational leaders, artists and best-selling authors such as Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love), Dr John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), Marci Shimoff (6 Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul books and Happy for No Reason), Alison Armstrong (The Queen’s Code), Katherine Woodward Thomas (Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in the One), Kute Blackson (The Magic of Surrender), Dr Shauna Shapiro (Good Morning, I Love You), Drs Ron and Mary Hulnick (Loyalty to Your Soul).
Live Your Love - The Alisha Das Show
Ep.13: Attracting Your Soul Mate and Avoiding Love Thieves with Arielle Ford
Join us for a juicy interview with the 'cupid of consciousness' Arielle Ford, international bestselling author of The Soulmate Secret, Wabi Sabi Love, and many other books, including a brand new novel, The Love Thief (I LOVED all three!). Arielle shares proven tips and incredible true stories on attracting and thriving with our soulmate (our intimate partner). Arielle clarifies that many folks can be our soulmates.
We discuss among other things:
- How to maintain love in long time relationships
- How to use triggering behavior to fall more in love as a way to heal unresolved issues within ourselves
- How we allow our beloved to come forward How to use the laws of attraction in specific ways
- How to maintain love and turn our mate into our soulmate Amazing stories of India and deep esoteric adventures and lessons
Arielle generously shared KEYS about how we attract our soulmate with specific ways of using the law of attraction from her book “The Soulmate Secret”. She shares the number one key to maintaining love (spoiler alert: it has to do with reframing those triggering behaviors in our partner to fall more in love with them.) Love relationships are truly ways to heal unresolved issues within oneself.
She shared about “The Love Thief”, which is her debut novel after many nonfiction books. She talked about how we can heal from being with a narcissistic partner and how to tell the difference between toxic behavior and just annoying behavior.
It is an incredible novel. It's SO fun. Also, she shares with us so many adventures in India and especially the spiritual depth of India. You'll feel like you've gone to Rishikesh by the end of the novel. I LOVED this novel. I hope you'll join for this interview.
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