Live Your Love - The Alisha Das Show - Live Your Love, Heal, Learn, Transform with Alisha Das Show and Influencer Guests. Awaken more to your divine nature so you live a happier, richer, more love-filled life as Alisha connects you to transformational leaders, artists and best-selling authors such as Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love), Dr John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), Marci Shimoff (6 Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul books and Happy for No Reason), Alison Armstrong (The Queen’s Code), Katherine Woodward Thomas (Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in the One), Kute Blackson (The Magic of Surrender), Dr Shauna Shapiro (Good Morning, I Love You), Drs Ron and Mary Hulnick (Loyalty to Your Soul).
Live Your Love - The Alisha Das Show
Ep.23: Feng Shui Your Life with Marie Diamond
Would you like to make your whole home a vision board, an ideal scene, with energy that attracts all the you want in the areas of wisdom, love, money and health? Then join us for this podcast based on 3000 years of ancient wisdom made current and comprehensible!
The luminous Marie Diamond from “The Secret” blessed us with appearing on Live Your Love available Tuesday April 9, 9am on radio and 10am on YouTube and podcast.
Marie made Fung Shui fun and easy to understand and implement and told incredibly inspiring and miraculous stories demonstrating its efficacy.
We detailed the best Feng Shui for creativity and writing and for abundance as well as romance and health.
We discussed things like how you always want to be facing the door in your office. I asked what do you do if you want to be seated in your office facing the view and she said, "Well, money and clients come in through the front door. If people come in through the window (the view) they are probably taking your money!
She has reached over 500 million people with her wisdom, fulfilling a prophecy from her spiritual teacher when she had a near death experience at 15 years old!
This beautiful podcast moved my heart and soul.
I hope you'll pick up her book and just try one thing to 'make your home a vision board.' It works!
We dedicated the show to Bill Gladstone, our beloved shared agent, who sadly passed in December. We love you, Bill!
We are also both publishing with Hay House. Love this beautiful soul!
❤️🪽❤️ Pre Order my new book, "Your Angelic Ancestry-Discover Your Archangelic Name, Heritage, and Higher Purpose" for the Angelic realm! Connect to your Archangelic nature, to the part of you always in touch with God so you may access higher guidance, manifest your heavenly gifts and purpose and experience more heaven while on Earth.
Click HERE to order