Live Your Love - The Alisha Das Show - Live Your Love, Heal, Learn, Transform with Alisha Das Show and Influencer Guests. Awaken more to your divine nature so you live a happier, richer, more love-filled life as Alisha connects you to transformational leaders, artists and best-selling authors such as Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love), Dr John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), Marci Shimoff (6 Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul books and Happy for No Reason), Alison Armstrong (The Queen’s Code), Katherine Woodward Thomas (Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in the One), Kute Blackson (The Magic of Surrender), Dr Shauna Shapiro (Good Morning, I Love You), Drs Ron and Mary Hulnick (Loyalty to Your Soul).
Live Your Love - The Alisha Das Show
Ep.34: Asha Frost - You Are the Medicine: Indigenous Healing
Bestselling Author and Indigenous Healer, beautiful Asha Frost joins me for this deeply healing episode! Journey into: Fascinating Ancestral Lore, Connection and
Healing Indigenous Wisdom and Ceremony How to responsibly and accurately work with sage and other natural elements What it's like to bring our elders present now for support, love, and evolution Ancient rituals for Deep peace and Divine Connection A Gorgeous 'tag team meditation' with both Asha and I to experience the wisdom and magic of ancestral brothers and sisters.
❤️🪽❤️ Pre Order my new book, "Your Angelic Ancestry-Discover Your Archangelic Name, Heritage, and Higher Purpose" for the Angelic realm! Connect to your Archangelic nature, to the part of you always in touch with God so you may access higher guidance, manifest your heavenly gifts and purpose and experience more heaven while on Earth.
Click HERE to order